När kranvattnet sinar. Kommer tekniken kunna lösa vattenkrisen?

OBS Seminariet är engelskspråkigt

When the Taps Run Dry. Will technology solve the water crisis?

Welcome to this free seminar at KTH in Stockholm – breakfast included!

Time: Fri 2020-03-06 09.00 – 11.30

Lecturer: Ingegerd Rosborg, Andrew Martin et al

Location: The Lounge, Teknikringen 10 B, ground floor

Register here

The drought of summer 2018 proved that water security is an issue even for Sweden. Globally, humans are consuming freshwater at an unprecedented pace and the situation is further exacerbated by climate change and population increase. So how ready are we for an ever increasingly hot climate? How do we safeguard the human right to safe, sufficient and affordable water?

This seminar will discuss the situation in Sweden as well as Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Desalination is often presented as a solution to the shortage of freshwater – but is it really that simple? Could technology save us from our self-inflicted water crisis?

Susanne Lindhe, Drinking Water Specialist at Stockholm Vatten och Avfall
Jonatan Persson, Founder at Helios Innovations
David Reavley, CEO of SolarWater PLC
Ingegerd Rosborg, PhD, Drinking Water Researcher at KTH
Andrew Martin, PhD, Professor at the Department of Energy Technology at KTH