HVR Presented at the 9th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment

HVR was featured at the 9th International Congress & Exhibition on Arsenic in the Environment, held from October 20–24, 2024, at KIIT Deemed to be University in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. Our colleague Dr. Ershad Khan presented HVR’s projects in India and its upcoming plans for Bangladesh. HVR participated under Theme 4: “Advancements in Clean Water…

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New threat of microplastics to human health

Recent research has uncovered the pervasive presence of microplastics in penile tissue, highlighting a hidden threat to both human health and the environment. These microscopic particles, measuring less than 5 mm, have infiltrated our daily lives, contaminating not just the air we breathe but also the water we drink. The ability of these particles to…

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Notice to the annual general meeting 2024

Information about HVR’s annual general meeting including the notice, agenda and registration form to the meeting is found on the swedish page Kallelse till årsstämma 2024 – HVR

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Last day to subscribe is the 15 of November 2023

To our shareholders What you recently received from us in the mail is not a conventional prospectus/memorandum with prominent board members, happy employees and astonishing forecasts. What we sent out contains solid facts about a completely new technology to make clean water for people and for industry. If you haven’t read our offer yet. Do…

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Offer for pilots

Our factory for modules is now ready and we can offer pilots for evaluation of our unique technology with the nominal capacity of 3000 liters per day. Please contact us if you are interested.

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HVR will focus on community water. Our first demo is at a school in Odisha. The demo is now operational but has too low capacity for the 200 children in the school. We will upgrade it with modules from our new factory and replace the solar panels with a system for High Concentrated Photovoltaic Thermal…

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Q1.23 Q4.22 information

PFAS report delivered to the Swedish Geotechnical Institute PFAS is on everyone’s lips, these families also called “forever chemicals” are known as contaminant that many water treatment cannot manage to remove properly. Their boiling point is far above 100 C. Regulations are however getting stricter in EU and USA. HVR together with SLU (Swedish University…

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New publication on HVR’s technology on resource recovery. Can drinking water and nutrients be recovered from wastewaters efficiently?

Our colleague Ershad Khan published an article on the results of the joint research study between HVR Water Purification AB, SLU-Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Biogas Research Center (BRC) and Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB, and financed by The Swedish Energy Agency. The title is “Waste Heat Driven Integrated Membrane Distillation for Concentrating Nutrients and…

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